Entries in “Willow and Peach Blossoms” (2)


Branches and Blossoms

William Theodore Van Doren. Branches and Blossoms. 2009, oil on wood panel, 11 x 14. Collection Hai Lin Family.

This painting on wood panel was inspired a Chinese brush painting from the 18th century, “Willow and Peach Blossoms” by Li Shan. 


Sunset, Monday, 28 December 2009

William Theodore Van Doren. Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va. Oil on watercolor block, 16 x 20.

I did a small painting for a friend today based on a Chinese ink painting from about 1750 – Willow and Peach Blossoms, by Li Shan. I thought about it later, while I was painting the sunset, because I’m sometimes uncertain whether this daily practice is really worthwhile. I realized how wonderful it might be if Li Shan had left a record of his observations of daily sunsets or sunrises in the 18th century.

Today is the eighth anniversary of the day we adopted Flint (the fabulous foxhound) from the Fluvanna County SPCA. Since I’ve mentioned him in a million posts and shown him only once, I thought I’d give him a little more air time. Here’s a formal profile of Flint watching something out the living room window:

Laura Owen Sutherland

Very recent:

Laura Owen Sutherland

And very typical:
